Friday, June 17, 2011

For Kell

I have been at my job for one week now and I am really liking it.  I spent Monday-Wednesday driving approx. 3 hours a day to get to the corporate site for orientation...I HATE driving in the city!  Boston traffic is a nightmare!  However, I started at my actual, much closer to home job site yesterday and I feel very comfortable there.  There are probably about 30 staff and it reminds me of CSC sooo much....miss y'all tons!!  
Obviously I have been sucked in to watching the Bruins lately...but we didnt forget about the MAVS!  whoop!  The parade is in the city tomorrow morning so of course we are going.  Joey is so pumped that he has seen all of the New England sports teams win a championship in his lifetime so I guess I can catch a train into Boston at 7am for my sports obsessed fiance ;).  

All I do other than work lately is laundry, cook, take care of dumb and dumber(reese and lucy), etc so theres not too much to report.  I hope this update on my boring life was worth your time :).  Love y'all and miss everyone so much!  xoxo-Jules

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Month #1

June 9, 2011

I have been in Massachusetts for one month now and we are slowly but surely getting settled in.  I had a total of 4 job interviews (all similar to what I did in Fort Worth at Child Study Center) and received 4 job offers.  It was nice having options but once I narrowed my decision down to 2 organizations I had to call my mom to bust out the excel spreadsheet and start crunching numbers (anyone who knows my mom knows she is the QUEEN of spreadsheets).  After 2 days of going back and forth between the 2 jobs and breaking down each one by pay, benefits, etc the FINAL decision came down to my gut feeling.  I chose the Direct Care Staff position at the May Center for Child Development in Woburn, MA :).  I start training on Monday and will be at the center full time starting on Thursday.  I miss my friends at CSC dearly but I am excited for a new experience.  
In other news, we went to Lake Sabego in Maine for Memorial Day weekend/Joey's 26th Birthday.  We had such a good time!   Lucy and Reese LOVED the boat and get excited any time they see their life jackets now :). 

I am new at this whole blogging thing but I will try my best to keep it updated as often as I can.  
XOXO   Jules