Thursday, June 9, 2011

Month #1

June 9, 2011

I have been in Massachusetts for one month now and we are slowly but surely getting settled in.  I had a total of 4 job interviews (all similar to what I did in Fort Worth at Child Study Center) and received 4 job offers.  It was nice having options but once I narrowed my decision down to 2 organizations I had to call my mom to bust out the excel spreadsheet and start crunching numbers (anyone who knows my mom knows she is the QUEEN of spreadsheets).  After 2 days of going back and forth between the 2 jobs and breaking down each one by pay, benefits, etc the FINAL decision came down to my gut feeling.  I chose the Direct Care Staff position at the May Center for Child Development in Woburn, MA :).  I start training on Monday and will be at the center full time starting on Thursday.  I miss my friends at CSC dearly but I am excited for a new experience.  
In other news, we went to Lake Sabego in Maine for Memorial Day weekend/Joey's 26th Birthday.  We had such a good time!   Lucy and Reese LOVED the boat and get excited any time they see their life jackets now :). 

I am new at this whole blogging thing but I will try my best to keep it updated as often as I can.  
XOXO   Jules

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