Thursday, July 7, 2011


I hope everyone had a good 4th! 
Joey and I went to the Bruins parade a couple weeks ago which was a lot of fun/a little are some pics :)

& look who I found... :)

Boston weather has finally decided to start acting like its summer and is now creeping up to the 90s.  Sorry Texas friends...I know that would be a welcomed break for y'all.  Joey started working on our deck and shed last weekend. He painted the shed and sanded the deck.  Here are some before/painting pictures of the shed...(after pics coming soon...he did such a good job!)

& the deck...

We had a July 4th cookout in the backyard on Sunday.  (you can see the completed paint job behind Reese and Peter).  We had A LOT of good food and good friends. 
I think that quickly sums up the last few weeks of our lives in Mass.  Love and miss everyone back home.  xoxo- Jules

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